Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are one of our most popular treatments. They are effective at exfoliating and rejuvenating the appearance of skin and deep peels are capable of resurfacing the texture and appearance of skin dramatically. These treatments enhance skin quality by encouraging cellular turnover and promoting circulation, which results in softer, renewed skin with better tone and texture. After just one session, you will notice a visible improvement in your skin’s brightness, clarity, and overall health.

Chemical peels use a solution of natural acids (AHA, TCA and phenol) to improve and smooth the skin texture by removing damaged outer layers. They are helpful in removing dark spots of hyperpigmentation, fine lines and skin damage from old blemishes. The precise formula of the peel acid balance is adjusted according to each patient’s needs. Stimulate fibroblast activity, increasing collagen and elastin production for firmer skin.

Chemical Peels Benefits
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VI Peel with Precision Plus

Is a powerful booster and pad system that specifically addresses stubborn pigmentation and melasma.

  • Procedure Time: Approximately 30 minutes.
  • Downtime: Expect 5-7 days of peeling.
  • Ideal Treatment Approach: A results-oriented treatment performed in a series to reach optimal results and once a year for maintenance.
  • Duration of Results: Dramatically noticeable results in 1-2 weeks. Duration of new, bright and healthy skin depends on your skin type and lifestyle.

Reve Peel

Is a medium depth, medical-grade peel with the highest concentration of acids possible to penetrate into the dermis layer of your skin. By doing this it stimulates collagen and elastin. This peel is ideal for aging or lightly sun-damaged skin, REVEPEEL treats many complaints without significant downtime.

  • Procedure Time: Approximately 30 minutes.
  • Downtime: Expect 5-7 days of peeling.
  • Ideal Treatment Approach: A results-oriented treatment performed in a series to reach optimal results and once a year for maintenance.
  • Duration of Results: Dramatically noticeable results in 1-2 weeks. Duration of new, bright and healthy skin depends on your skin type and lifestyle.

Enlighten RX Peel

The Enlighten RX peel is a 28-day program that targets sun damage and melasma. It works to remove pigment, to reduce the appearance of acne scarring/acne, to smoothen the skin’s texture, and lighten your overall complexion.

How Does It Work?

In general, peels work by helping the skin cells to turn over more quickly. They exfoliate to help shrink pores, lift the sun damage, and soften/tighten the skin. Lightening peels work to block pigmentation production so that no new pigmentation surfaces during the treatment cycle. With Enlighten RX, the first application is done in the office, the patient is responsible for continuing home care, and then a second in-office treatment is done to target the pigmented spots.


How Long Does A Typical Treatment Take?

The treatment takes place in the office and ranges in length from 20-35 minutes. The initial peel is applied to the face and will be left on for 8-12 hours. The staff will then give you the products that you need to continue the process at home. They will describe in detail how and when to use these products. In 2 weeks, patients will return to the office for a follow-up treatment that specifically targets the pigmented spots. The at-home skincare routine will continue according to the medical team’s directions for the duration of the 28-day procedure. It is important to note that the patient must use the at-home lightening products for the optimum results.

What Results Will I See?

As a result of the Enlighten RX peel, patients will see a smoother texture and more even complexion in general. There will be a reduction in the discolored spots, a reduction in the appearance of scars, a reduction in pore size, and an overall brighter look.

Is There Any Downtime?

There are about 2 days of downtime with the Enlighten RX peel where patients will experience redness and swelling, following the initial 2 days patients will continue to lightly flake for 1-2 weeks. During this time, the dead skin will flake away allowing for the reveal of new skin to come to the surface. Because of the swelling and redness many patients elect to take the first two days off from work because they are uncomfortable with their initial appearance. Aside from this, there is no major downtime involved.

Am I A Good Candidate?​

People with fair skin and light hair typically see better results from chemical peel procedures than patients with darker skin and hair. People with darker skin and melasma can also get peels but there may be a higher risk of pigmentation changes. At Vanity Male, we will discuss the procedure and decide what is the best treatment for your situation.

We are happy to offer CareCredit financing program for our patients!
