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Facial Aesthetic Treatments For Men: What Do Men Want?

Reverse the signs of aging, reduce your double chin, and get healthier skin with these popular male aesthetic treatments!

Now that facial aesthetic treatments are being discussed in popular male magazines and news channels, there is no denying that men deserve aesthetics too!

According to a recent survey conducted by the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic surgery, Americans spend more than $14 billion on aesthetic procedures every year. While only 9.5% of procedures were done on male patients last year in America, the number of men looking to undergo aesthetic treatments has increased rapidly since the 90s.

Now men are more interested in looking their best and improving their facial appearance through cosmetic treatments. The reasons for this shift can include increasing awareness about cosmetic procedures, transparency about treatments through social platforms, and rising competition in work environments.

Men usually look for minimally invasive treatments with no downtime. So, here are some of our recommendations for facial aesthetic treatments for men.

Facial Aesthetic Treatments For Men: What Do Men Want?

1. Kybella® and CoolMini™ for Double Chin

Double chin is one of the biggest concerns for most middle-aged men. Newly emerged cosmetic treatments named Kybella® and CoolMini™ can clinically help you reduce the amount of fat in your chin. Most men, who are otherwise fit and active, can also have a double chin due to their genes. A double chin can make you appear heavier than you actually are. Dermatologists usually recommend getting CoolMini if you have a large double chin. This treatment will de-bulk the amount of fat in your chin, giving you a sleek appearance. Usually, it takes up to two sessions for this treatment to show satisfactory results. However, there is no downtime with this treatment. The site may appear red for some time, or you may feel a temporary number for a few days, but there will be no bruising or pain whatsoever.

 There is another treatment called Kybella which can be good for men who have a small to a medium-sized double chin. Kybella is basically a synthetic copy of a natural molecule present in our body, the main function of which is to break down fat in our digestive system. Dermatologists also recommend Kybella as a follow-up treatment to clients who have some residual chin fat after their CoolMini treatments. This treatment, however, takes 2-4 sessions to show results. After Kybella, you may observe redness and swelling for a few days.

2. Botox and Dermal Fillers

You don’t have to be working in the beauty industry to desire younger-looking, healthy skin. Everyone wants to reverse the signs of aging, including men, and there is no shame in it. That is why another non-surgical facial treatment called Botox is gaining immense popularity among men who want to look younger and healthier. Botox is a common name of a toxin called botulinum, which is derived from bacteria. This toxin is injected into the skin to reduce wrinkles and fine lines around the mouth and crow’s feet. It’s an effective treatment that can also reduce horizontal lines around your neck and chin creases.

Dermal fillers such as collagen boosters and hyaluronic acid can aid the appearance of sagging cheeks and jaw lines, replacing the overall volume loss in your skin.  And these treatments and filler options are totally different for men and women, so you don’t have to worry about looking too feminine.

The best part about these treatments is there is little to no downtime. Botox and fillers are usually injected with incredibly tiny needles, so you don’t suffer any injuries, redness, or visible side effects. You can be back to your normal routine just a few hours after your treatment.

3. Laser Treatments for Rosacea

Another common concern for men is rosacea, a type of skin condition that causes broken blood vessels and facial redness. This can significantly destroy your facial appearance, making you look either dull or swollen. Although, there are numerous topical treatments available to treat rosacea, using only topical treatments may not be enough to completely get rid of this condition. What can actually help? Laser treatments!

Most cosmetic clinics offer different types of laser treatments that can help you get rid of rosacea, and you can get these treatments according to your skin type. Despite common belief, the laser causes minimum side effects and is considered a more effective solution.

There are various types of laser treatments to address rosacea, and it’s best to consult a dermatologist before undergoing any kind of laser treatment. These procedures can be done on your entire face, or on problem areas to target the issue more specifically.

Usually, laser procedures last about 10-30 minutes and have no significant downtime. Three to four sessions are typically recommended to observe the best results.

4. Jaw Line Structuring

Who doesn’t fancy a perfectly chiseled jawline? Those straight jaws can literally change your overall personality. What was previously considered a work of genes can now be achieved through aesthetic treatments. Yes, you can now get a perfectly chiseled jawline through Sculptra. This treatment uses a collagen stimulator that lifts your jaws and gives your face a more tightening effect. However, it can take a few months to see clear results. But eventually, you will get a sculpted, well-defined jaw contour.

Sculptra is also a non-surgical treatment with no downtime. You can expect to have a little bruising or redness at the injection site. It can take up to 90 days after the treatment to observe full-fledged results.


So, whether you have wrinkles, fine lines, double chin, less defined laws, or sagging cheeks, there is an aesthetic solution for all your problems. All the procedures discussed above are minimally invasive and can be safely performed by board-certified dermatologists at our clinic, Vanity Medical Spa. Hopefully, this article will help you spark a positive conversation about facial aesthetics geared toward men with your fellows.

Contact us now and book a consultation with our expert dermatologists!
